How to Use the EDA Verification Playground


EDA Playground gives engineers hands-on exposure to simulating and synthesizing SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL, C++/SystemC, and other HDLs using a web browser. It also includes a wave viewer.

Run your code on EDA Playground and see the bottom 200 lines of results printed in the Results pane, and then share the resulting waves for other to view in EPWave, our browser-based wave viewer. You can also save a playground with a static link that others can access.

Copy a playground to your local drive or email it directly with the Playground button shown for everyone on the playground page. You can also share it with other users using the Save and Share links in the bottom right of the playground page.

Use a Verifiable Credential (VC) for Access to EDA Playground

To access the playground, paste a JSON-LD credential into the credential box in the login form. Then you'll be prompted to set your password. If you don't want to set a password, you can skip this step and still use the playground.

Create a new playground from the Testbench + Design menu, or add files to your existing playground via the Files tab. You can add multiple files up to a character limit of 1,000,000.

Selecting a language and libraries will 검증놀이터 automatically include any options required by the chosen simulators, but you can configure those yourself if needed.

For some languages, you may need to specify a Top entity before running a simulation on EDA Playground. For example, when a VHDL design contains a top entity that has multiple components, you must specify them in the Top Entity field before running a simulation.


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