The Tara Matka Final Ank C Theory is an intriguing Hindi movie. Directed by S.S. Rajamouli, the film revolves around a young girl (P.S. Anil Thal Sena} who goes missing while on her way to college in a small southern town. Searching for her, a small team consisting of the girl's best friends, police officer Sunil Kumar Soman and his partner Jhamel 'Kafeer' Khan, soon find her body hanging from a tree in the railway station. Though their initial assumption is that she had jumped on the train to look for work, no foul play is suspected.
However, on the very next day, Kumar and Khan are suddenly ordered to locate and retrieve the body of their deceased friend. With the help of a mysterious local fortune teller, they manage to do so before the deadline imposed by the town judge, Shri Nanda, arrives - at which point only Matka and Soman can perform the search. But with the clock ticking, no one knows what to expect from the two detectives... and from Soman himself! A gripping psychological thriller, 'Satta Matka Final Ank C Theory' is a low-budget Hindi film that doesn't excel in either its story or its acting, but manages to maintain a steady grip on the viewer long after the credits roll.
The film is directed by S.S. Rajamouli, who previously worked on another Hindi movie, 'Chak De! India' (the second installment of the successful Chinese film 'Singh in King Kong). Though Rajamouli directed the film, Soman co-directed it with Nitin Rathore (The Great Bazaar). The two actors do a wonderful job of playing the characters they are given, and the script is well-written. Though not exactly a science fiction film, 'Satta Matka' is an intelligent comedy that offers laughs, without going over the top, and without resorting to cheap tricks...which in India may be frowned upon, as 'taor kudarat' (cheap is bad).
As per the plot, the story revolves around a young man called Soman (Abhrak Baahubali), who lives a simple life in a small house, away from the hustle and bustle of the bazaars and pubs of Mumbai. One day, he goes to the nearby market to buy vegetables, only to come across a 'daat' (a big, trash-ridden hut) full of rats and other rodents. The rats, apparently, are 'guessing' something. Soman quickly concludes that the rats must be getting rid of something and decides to visit the nearby shacks to find out... When he finally makes it inside the shacks, however, he's shocked to see that the people there are all carrying out the same routine, 'gaana' (staying away from work). With this information, Soman comes to the conclusion that the rats are 'pigs' and decides to help the others in getting rid of the pigs by guessing what the pigs are 'guessing'.
The movie is a great example of how one can use matka tips to be different from the rest of the crowd. Here, the girl, after she has been helped by Soman, decides to test Soman with a single jodi as an idea of whether she can get away with it or not. And that's when Soman, armed with his new and amazing knowledge of what the single jodi means, gets to work!
The movie ends with a bang, as Soman ends up marrying the girl, Naika. However, we never actually see him or the girl get married. The reason for this is that they decide to play a 'farming game' with the 'pigs' in order to prove to each other that they are the best at it and thus prove to the world that matka is the fastest. So, if you have any doubt about whether your guess was right or wrong, you should definitely try out these live results. It's free and fun and the best part is that you get to share your verdict with the world using the live results that you get on your computer screen!
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